1. Tell Mozilla: It’s Time to Ditch Google
3. [Job] The OKFN is looking for a Senior CKAN Developer (okfn.org)
4. Oregon State faculty’s use of free textbooks generates millions in student savings (ecampus.oregonstate.edu)
5. [Funding] Call for Proposals: IOI Fund for Network Adoption (http://investinopen.org)
6. Call for Proposals: csv,conf,v9 is gonna be in Bologna, Italy on September 2025 (docs.google.com)
7. Satellogic's Open Satellite Feed (tech.marksblogg.com)
9. Explora y analiza las votaciones de los proyectos en el Senado de la Nación Argentina (senadores.argentinadatos.com)
12. Navigating the way to publishing open data (digitalanddata.blog.gov.wales)
14. Meta's alleged torrenting and seeding of pirated books for building it's AI (arstechnica.com)
15. Announcing the data.gov archive (lil.law.harvard.edu)
16. Aplicación: Nueva fase de pilotos del Open Data Editor (blog.okfn.org)
17. Within Bounds: Limiting AI's environmental impact (greenscreen.network)
18. Why Digital Public Goods, including AI, Should Depend on Open Data (creativecommons.org)
19. Chinese startup’s $6m product raises doubts about sustainability of western artificial intelligence boom (www.theguardian.com)
20. A highly a integrated open-source laptop from scratch. (www.byran.ee)
21. Creative Commons Launches its 2025-2028 Strategic Plan (creativecommons.org)
22. [Funding] $1 Million in Grant Funding for Free and Open Source Software Programs (www.ictworks.org)
23. Proyecto Respira: pronósticos sobre la Calidad del Aire en Asunción y su área metropolitana (proyectorespira.net)